20 February 2005



Well, we're back from our very mini-vacation. Madison kept her ear all covered up with a cotton ball which was covered in vaseline (to keep it waterproof) and a band-aid (to keep it from falling out and keep the vaseline from getting all in her hair). She's hearing out of her ear normally now. Wednesday we'll find out exactly what her hearing is like at the audiologist.

While on vacation Madison got her picture taken with Kilaka the sea lion. Kilaka is a famous movie star ;) - she was in the movie Andre. I'll get that picture scanned the next time I make it down to Mom and Dad's house. We met Kilaka at the Oceanarium in Gulfport, Mississippi. That was a fun-filled time watching parrots, sea lions and dolphins perform. It was quite different than seeing the shows at Sea World or something - it was a lot more up close and personal. The dolphins played with you - if you threw a ball into their pool they'd throw it right back at ya! After the shows we got to go see a lot of other sea life in a huge tank. There was sea turtles, a couple of kinds of sharks, huge fish whose names we don't have a clue, sting rays, etc. They even got to see a diver in the tank feeding the fish. That was pretty neat. There was even a touch pool with all sorts of marine life we could touch gently.

We also spent the afternoon at the beach. Madison and I put our toes in the water but it was quite chilly. Madison really liked it but we only let her have her feet in the water for a few minutes. After we walked all the way out the pier, we let the kiddos play in the sand until we needed to leave. Madison drew in the sand with sticks most of the time.

Other than our time at the beach and Oceanarium, we spent a good deal of time in indoor pools and jacuzzi's in our rooms. The kids would have spent the night in the pools if we'd have let them! So in order for Paul and I to get any rest at all, we had to bribe them back into the room with promises of being able to play in the huge jacuzzis! That was almost better than the pools in their eyes since the water wasn't over their heads :)

The last thing the kiddos did before coming home was go to the circus. This is the event that cut our mini-vacation short *grrr* but the kids LOVED it, so I guess it was worth it ;) Paul took all three of the kids by himself!!

Well, there's no school tomorrow so Madison has one more day to recouperate before heading back and getting back into the school routine again. I pray no more sickness or anything overtakes her before school lets out!

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